What are the benefits of eating Dates

What are the benefits of eating Dates?

What are the benefits of eating Dates? There are plenty of benefits of eating dates. In this post, we will review six of them: Please for more information or any inquiry click here …… High in polyphenols: Polyphenols are antioxidant compounds and dates contain more polyphenols than many other fruits. Several health benefits that antioxidants offer is that they may help prevent the development of certain chronic illnesses. Such as...
Are Dates Fattening

Are Dates Fattening? can dated make you fat ?

Are Dates Fattening? Dates are one of the most nutritious fruits with high calories and energy. Some of us may think that dates may be part of the fruit group, so we may overdo it. The question that may haunt many people's minds is that this fruit with high calories and energy, Are dates fattening? Please for more information or any inquiry click here …… In this post, we discuss...
Benefits of Dates in Weight Loss

Benefits of Dates in Weight Loss

Benefits of Dates in Weight Loss Since Dates are rich in dietary fiber and fatty acids, there are many benefits of dates in weight loss such as flushing out toxins, regulating blood glucose levels, and reducing inflammation. Please for more information or any inquiry click here …… In this post, we discuss these benefits: To get a slimming result from dates you should eat dates early in the morning before...
Best Time to Eat Dates

Best Time to Eat Dates

Best Time to Eat Dates Nutrition experts believe that fruits should be eaten when the stomach is empty. So don't eat fruit after eating other forms of food. If you eat fruits after eating, they will have an important role in poisoning your body. In this case, your body will have a lot of energy, which instead of being useful; losing weight and strength for other activities of life. Dates...
Dates Fruit Tree

Dates Fruit Tree

Dates Fruit Tree Dates are one of the foods most known to Asian people. People in Europe and America, use this high-quality fruit only in cakes and pastries. However, people use it as a staple in the Middle East, especially in Arab countries. Dates are in the category of fruits, and among all, they are the most neglected in terms of energy. Dates Fruit Tree is also called Date palm...
How to Eat Dates

How to eat Dates?

How to eat Dates Date fruit has numerous properties. How to eat Dates is the question we will answer in this post.  Dates are nutritious and rich in fiber, iron, potassium, manganese, zinc, potassium, as well as vitamins such as A, B and E. Protects the body against all types of cancers. Nutritionists recommend that Consuming this fruit is a wise choice to treat many Diseases. People can have better...
Benefits of Dates with Milk at Night

Benefits of Dates with Milk at Night

Benefits of Dates with Milk at Night According to nutritionists, honey or Dates with Milk can be used to eliminate the cold temper of milk. Please for more information or any inquiry click here ……  If you want to know “Benefits of dates with milk at night” please note this post. Eating one or two glasses of milk with one or two dates a day can help you have a balanced...
Dates Exporting Countries

Biggest dates Exporting Countries

Dates Exporting Countries Dates exporting countries is the subject of this article; The date is an oval, sweet red and yellow fruit derived from the palm tree. Dates are a staple food throughout the Middle East. So that its date goes back to 7000 BC. Most of the fresh dates and palm trees are from the Middle East, West Asia, and North Africa. While Egypt is a leading country in...
Where are the Best Dates Grown?

Where are the Best Dates Grown?

Where are the Best Dates Grown? Best Dates and Where are the Best Dates Grown? the question many might have on their minds. Dates are generally a product of the tropics, although cultivated in subtropical regions. Dates can be grown in areas with mild winters and hot and dry summers for fruit ripening and 6 months from pollination to harvesting rain or moisture. Don't overdo it. Climatic, soil, water, topographic...
Benefit of Dates for Women

Benefit of Dates for Women

The benefit of Dates for Women Nutritionists have always recognized Dates as one of the most nutritious and healthiest fruits. Because of its excellent nutritional properties and its many health and medicinal properties. In this post, we discuss the Benefit of Dates for Women. Please for more information or any inquiry click here …… To find out the “benefit of dates for women”, follow this post. Dates are excellent for...