Worms in Pistachios, true or myth

Question: Worms in Pistachios, true or myth? 

---! Worms in Pistachios, Truth, or Myth !---   In modern pest control methods, pistachio trees have a broader approach, and instead of controlling a pest, controlling all pests and using a variety of methods instead of one. So, the question is: Worms in pistachios, truth or myth? Please for more information or any inquiry...
Are Pistachios Anti-inflammatory

Are Pistachios Anti inflammatory?

--- | Are Pistachios Anti inflammatory? | ---   Are Pistachios Anti inflammatory : Inflammation is a word that depends on everything we eat these days, whether it is to avoid foods that cause inflammation or to eat foods that reduce it.   Please for more information or any inquiry click here …… In this...
which is better almond or pistachio ?

which is better almond or pistachio ?

--- ! Are Almonds or Pistachios Better For You? ! ---   which is better almond or pistachio ? Every food ingredient is made up of compounds that have chemical and physical effects on the human body. These effects have sometimes beneficial and sometimes harmful properties. Nuts such as almonds and pistachios are among the...
How Do You Eat Dates

How Do You Eat Dates?

How Do You Eat Dates? Dates come in dried and fresh forms. You can eat dates as they are or you can use them as an ingredient. Also, remove the seed because it is not edible. This article gives you some interesting tips on " How do you eat dates " and the types of...
Benefits of Pistachio

What Are the Benefits of Pistachio Nuts?

What Are the Benefits of Pistachio Nuts? Pistachio is one of the most important nuts and there are many benefits of pistachio.  the potassium content of pistachio with this small size is similar to orange potassium and is very important due to its nutrients. If you are looking for more detailed information about the “benefits...
Dried Dates Calories

Dried Dates Calories

Dried Dates Calories Dried Dates Calories : While water makes up the bulk of the fruit, about 70% of the weight is palm sugar and has a meaty texture. Dates are available in two types of dry and fresh dates. Dates are rich in minerals and can supply much of the calories needed by the...
pistachios per day

How many Pistachios per Day you should eat?

Pistachios per Day, How many should you eat?  We all know that nuts and dried fruits have multiple benefits for your health. Among these, Pistachio is a tasty nut that grows on trees. so how many pistachios per day should you eat? Researches have found out that people have included pistachios in their diet for...
Calories in One Date

Calories in One Date

Calories in One Date Dates are a high-energy, nutritious fruit that many nutritionists recommend eating 3 to 5 dates in a day because of the number of calories in one date. Each person should consume 2-4 units of fruit daily. All 3 dates are a unit of fruit. Please for more information or any inquiry...
Other uses of Dates

Other Uses of Dates

Amazing Other Uses of Dates Farmers grow date palm trees not only for its fruit but also for its leaves and ornamental value as well. Not only are the fruit used for a variety of culinary purposes, but the leaves have also been used to weave baskets. Various parts of this plant have been used...
Date Palm Trees Fruiting

Date Palm Trees Fruiting

Date Palm Trees Fruiting Process Date Palms are unique in a way that, they have different sexes. They are either a male tree or a female tree. The male trees produce pollen, and the female trees produce flowers. Unfortunately, neither birds nor bees are attracted to the flowers, so the females have to be hand-pollinated....