
Pear: Iranian pears have a distinctive bell shape fruit. Some pears have knobby lobes at the base of the fruit while others are smooth at the base. The skin of the fruit ranges in color from green, yellow, red, brown, pink, or a combination of these colors. Pear flesh is white and juicy and grainy...


Grapefruit: Iranian grapefruit skin is yellow or pinkish yellow in color. The fruit is a modified berry, known botanically as a hesperidium. Grapefruit flesh color varies from pink to almost red. They can be confused with oranges, but grapefruit are often larger and more yellow in color. Apricot Fruit Grapefruit: Bursting with Flavor and Health...

Filbert Fruit

Filbert Fruit Filbert With Involucre: The Iranian Filbert nut is 4 CM long and enclosed in a papery covering referred to as an involucre. Filbert Fruit Persian Walnut Filbert Without Involucre: Iranian filberts, also called hazelnuts, are rounded and slightly pointed at one end. They are small, usually about 3 CM long, and resemble an...
Fresh Date Fruit

Fresh Date Fruit

Fresh Date Fruit Farmers cultivate Phoenix Dactylifera or what we know as fresh date fruit, dried date fruit, or date palm for its sweet edible fruit. The edible fruit has a hardcore, thin skin and a sweet taste that hangs in a large cluster of branches and its leaves are large. The palm height reaches...


Blackberry: Iranian blackberry is an aggregate fruit that is composed of many smaller fruits called drupes. Which city or province grow: North of Iran. Harvest Season: Summer. Green raisins B-berry plants The fruit is very dark purple with smooth, fragile skin. In the middle of the cluster is a greenish-white core that extends to almost...


Apple: Iranian apples have a rounded shape with a depression at the top where the stem is attached. Some apples are almost perfectly round, while others are more rounded at the top and narrower at the bottom. In addition, some have knobby lobes at the calyx end (bottom) of the fruit. Apple fruits are firm...


Orange: Iranian Oranges are oval to sphere-shaped fruits with leathery, porous skin. Their color ranges from orange to red-orange. may be confused with other citrus fruits, such as grapefruits and tangerines. However, grapefruits are usually much larger and more yellow than oranges, and tangerines have a more flattened sphere shape than. Which City or Province...


Pomegranate: Iranian Pomegranate are 7.5 to 10 CM in diameter and round to oblong in shape. The skin is leathery in texture and orange to orange-red in color. The edible portion of the fruit is the juicy red flesh and there are many seeds inside the fruit making it difficult to eat. Which City or...


Persimmon: Iranian persimmon fruits are nearly round, shiny, and tough-skinned. They are about 2.5 CM in diameter, and the color when ripe ranges from a pale orange to a slight red color. They ripen from Oct to Nov, usually after the tree has lost its leaves. Persian Walnut Persimmon: A Sweet and Versatile Fruit for...


Peach: Iranian peaches can be red, pink, yellow, or a combination of those colors. On one side of the fruit is a distinctive vertical indentation. Peaches and nectarines look very similar, but they can be told apart by their skin texture: peaches are fuzzy and dull, while nectarines are smooth and shiny. Which City or...