

Grape: Iranian grapes grow in elongated clusters on a vine. History of Raisins Exploring the Diversity and Delicacy of Iran's Grapes Discover the Richness of Iran's Grape Culture Embark on a journey through Iran's vineyards, where centuries of tradition and innovation have cultivated a diverse array of grapes, renowned for their exquisite taste and cultural...
the fig

Fresh fig

Fresh fig: Iranian fig fruits are bell-shaped, with a wide, flat bottom narrowing to a pointed top. When the fruit ripens, the top may bend, forming a "neck". Figs can be brown, purple, green, yellow or black, and vary in size. Fresh fig The skin is slightly wrinkled and leathery. They are often dried for...

fresh Cherry

Fresh Cherry: Iranian cherry fruits are roughly round with a depression at apex (top) of the fruit. The skin is smooth and shiny and usually ranges from pale to very dark red, although yellow and white cultivars exist.Fresh Cherry Which City or Province Grow: Tehran + Mashhad Fresh fig Exploring the Freshness and Delight of...
fresh Apricots


Apricot : Apricot with its sweet taste and beautiful color is one of the popular fruits. Its color defers from yellow to orange and gets beautiful red shades by direct sunlight. Apricot has a velvety skin and its kernel inside the core stone is edible. It is relative to peach and plum, apricot has less...
almonds - iran almonds

Mamra Almond

Mamra Almond Almond - with Shell: Iranian almonds are oval and flattened in shape and a little over 2.5 CM long. They are rough, light brown, and have scattered small holes in the shell. A distinct spine separates the two halves of the almond shell. Mamra Almond Mamra Almond ( badam ) Special wholesale price +...
dried fig

Iranian figs

Iranian figs The soil and climate in the city of Estahban near the Shiraz center of Fars province are ideal for growing the best figs in the world. Figs orchards in Estahban are cultivated by dry farming and their fruits are naturally sun-dried.Iranian figs Dried Figs History Please for more information or any inquiry click...

Mini (moist) figs

Mini (moist) figs After processing and selecting the fruits, the dried figs are washed and processed bringing their moisture content up from 10-12% as delivered, to moisture content as high as 20-23%, which makes our figs moist and delicious. Mini (moist) figs After washing, they are going for packaging in different sizes (100,200,250,400,450gr) and 10...

Vegetables Category

Vegetables Category Vegetables is a catch-all category that includes many of the edible parts of a plant, like stems, roots, flowers, and leaves. We don't usually consider the fruits of a plant to be vegetables, except for fruits that aren't very sweet. Tomatoes, squash, peppers, eggplants, and beans, for example, are all fruits, but we...

Grains Category

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Grains Category Please for more information or any inquiry click here …… grains = cereals = cereal grains Fruit grains form the base of the Food Guide Pyramid, and nutritionists are constantly nagging us to eat more of them. Sure they're a bit bland,(Grains Category) but they're high in nutrients, low in fat, and dirt cheap. Cooks usually consign grains to supporting roles, letting them absorb the flavors of...

Fruits Category

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Fruits Category Please for more information or any inquiry click here …… Vegetable is a catch-all category that includes many of the edible parts of a plant, like stems, roots, flowers, and leaves. We don't usually consider the fruits of a plant to be vegetables, except for fruits that aren't very sweet. Tomatoes, squash, peppers, eggplants, and beans, for example, are all fruits, but we usually refer to them...