walnut harvesting

Walnut Harvesting

Walnut Harvesting Water, nutrients, insects, and many other factors affect nut production. Typically, black walnut trees bear nuts no earlier than their twelfth year. Annual nut production increases as the crown widens and reaches its maximum at about 30 years. Annual nut production of each tree will fluctuate, but total production for a plantation is fairly consistent. The exact time to harvest depends upon factors such as markets, weather, your...

Walnut Thinning , Pest Control and Fertilization

Thinning Walnut Thinning : Thinning reduces the stand so that growth is distributed to those trees you wish to keep for future products. Thinning should leave 25 to 30 trees per acre for nut production, and 75 to 100 trees per acre for lumber production. A thinning may be required two or more times during the life of the stand.Avoid thinning before trees reach a size at which they can...
walnut pruning practices

walnut pruning practices

--- walnut pruning practices --- walnut pruning practice : How intensively you manage the black walnut plantation depends on your objectives, time available, resources, and plantation size. Unlike site selection, management of black walnut is flexible, and many methods are available for managing the stand. Only basic methods are covered here. Thinning, pruning, and other...
walnut pruning practices

Walnut Site preparation

Walnut Site preparation There may be no need for preparation of your chosen site. On the other hand, site preparation as intensive as land clearing with a bulldozer and spraying with herbicide may be required. You should ask yourself: How easy will the site be to plant? How will I control weeds? Walnut Site preparation. The amount of site preparation necessary will be influenced by the planting method. Machine-planting of...
Iran’s saffron ambition

Iran’s saffron ambition

Iran’s saffron ambition Iran’s saffron ambition : This country really needs a saffron strategy, a plan for turning its position as the world’s spice-crocus grower into profits for Iranian people. Iran now produces 96% of the world’s saffron, and both output and demand are on the rise. Iran Mania reports “Ten years ago a mere 32 tones of saffron were exported from Iran while last year 202 tones went abroad...
raisin quality control

Raisin Quality Control

Raisin Quality Control Quality control is an important part of each step in the raisin making process. While the grapes are growing, they are checked for ripeness by squeezing the juice from a grape and using a refractometer. This allows the growers to determine how much sugar is in the grape. They are also tasted and their weight per volume is measured to give a measure of the quality of...
walnut harvesting

Black Walnut

Black Walnut Descriptions and uses Black Walnut Please for more information or any inquiry click here …… Distinctive, dark-colored heartwood, as well as tasty and valuable nuts, make black walnut a highly prized North American hardwood tree. walnut is native to the United States, but its numbers have declined significantly. Walnut ( tree , shell , calories , nutrition , protein , wood and oil ) This decline has occurred...
Best Iranian Walnut

Walnut Varieties

Walnut Varieties Of the hundreds of varieties of English Walnuts available - and the many closely related species - we have selected a range suitable for the climate throughout the UK and for the differing purposes which our customers have in mind. Walnut Varieties This amount to several dozen in all, which are listed below. Each entry leads to details on the variety or species. Please for more information or...
raisin farm

Raisin farming

Farming raisin The first step to producing good raisins is growing quality grapes in the vineyards. (Raisin farming)Grape farming is a year-round commitment and includes the practices of pruning, irrigation, fertilization, and pest control. Most of the work done in these vineyards is still done by hand. [caption id="attachment_15127" align="aligncenter" width="208"] The first raisins - history of raisin[/caption]   op 10 Reasons To Buy Organic Pruning involves the removal of...
RAISIN laser Sorter Machin

Raisin manufacturing process

Raisin manufacturing process There are four primary methods for producing raisins including the natural, dehydration, continuous tray, and dried-on-the-vine methods. The most popular of these is the natural method which will be explained in some detail. Raisin manufacturing process The basic steps in natural raisin manufacturing include harvesting, processing, and packaging. While a small portion of raisins are made by mechanically dehydrating grapes, the majority of them are produced by...