Iranian Raisin

Iranian Raisin

Recently updated  Iranian raisin: Iran is the third largest exporter of raisins in the world exporting 92,000 tons (7% global Consumption) of raisins worth around 70 million dollars annually. There are different varieties of Iranian .Iranian Raisin Raisins; Sultana Raisins, Golden Raisins, Black Raisins, and Green Raisins. The advantage of Iranian Raisins is principally its price and different methods of processing, and that's the reason why Iranian Raisins are amongst...

Varietals & Nutritional information

Varietals & Nutritional information The versatile raisin Few foods are as easy to use as natural raisins. Sweet, tasty, raisins are a great snack just as they are or can add flavor to almost any favorite recipe. Varietals & Nutritional information.   [caption id="attachment_25268" align="aligncenter" width="250"] Timeline history of raisins and dried fruits[/caption] The versatile raisin Try mixing these delicious sun-dried nuggets with nuts and other dried fruits for a...
Sultana Raisins Dark Brown

Versatile raisin

The versatile raisin Few foods are as easy to use as natural raisins. Sweet, tasty, and delicious, raisins are a great snack just as they are or can add flavor to almost any favorite recipe. versatile raisin.   Varietals & Nutritional information   Try mixing these delicious sun-dried nuggets with nuts and other dried fruits for a naturally good trail mix. It's easy to add raisins to salads and hors...
history of raisin

Life on the vine

Life on the vine The raisins are hard to work for, but the results are sweet. It takes at least three full years to produce a single raisin, from the time a grapevine is planted to its first yield. Life on the vine Grapevines must be tended by hand and demand constant attention all year. In January, vines are carefully pruned to allow the "canes," the most productive branches, to...
history of raisin

History of raisin

Updated 2024 ---| history of raisin |--- Raisin TimeLine History Leaving fruits out to dry in the sun and air is one of the oldest methods of preserving food-whether it's turning grapes into raisins, or fresh figs, dates, apricots, and plums into their dried counterparts. history of raisin Raisins and dried fruits are simple, wholesome foods, grown by nature and "made" by men and women the same way for thousands...
vitis vinifera and Vitaceae the scientific names of grape fruit

Vitis vinifera and Vitaceae the scientific names of grape fruit

---! vitis vinifera and Vitaceae the scientific names of grape fruit !--- scientific names of grape fruit : • Vitis vinifera L • Vitaceae Please for more information or any inquiry click here …… [caption id="attachment_15115" align="aligncenter" width="673"] vitis vinifera and Vitaceae the scientific names of grape fruit[/caption] Description of Raisin : Raisin : the Raisin comes from the Latin racemes and means "a cluster of grapes or berries". Cultured...
Pistachios Nutrition facts

Pistachios Nutrition

  ---!Pistachios Nutrition !---   Pistachios Nutrition  : Just 47 pistachios, a one-ounce serving, contain 13 grams of predominantly monounsaturated fat and no cholesterol. All nuts, including pistachios, contain some saturated fat but are considered low in saturated fat. Fats are a concentrated source of energy and play an important role in assisting the body to absorb fat-soluble vitamins such as vitamins A, E, D, and K. [caption id="attachment_15085" align="aligncenter"...
Culture Pistachio

Culture Pistachio

Culture Pistachio Pistachio location : Culture Pistachio _ Pistachios should be planted in full sun. The size of the slow growing trees can be further controlled by pruning. When planting, avoid rough handling since the budded tops are easily broken away from the under stock. Please for more information or any inquiry click here ……   [caption id="attachment_9754" align="aligncenter" width="600"] Culture Pistachio[/caption] Soil : The trees do best on soils...
pistachio fruit

pistachio fruit Updated 2024

Updated 2024 Pistachio fruit The pistachio fruit: the reddish, wrinkled fruits are borne in heavy clusters somewhat like grapes. Although known as a nut, the fruit of the pistachio is botanically a drupe, the edible portion of which is the seed. The oblong kernel is about 1 inch in length and 1/2 inch in diameter and protected by a thin, ivory-colored, bony shell Normally the shells split longitudinally along their...
Pistachio Sex Life - story of pistachio life

pistachio flowers Updated 2024

Updated 2024 pistachio flowers pistachio flower _ Pistachios fruit are dioecious with male and female flowers on separate trees. pistachio flower [caption id="attachment_9748" align="aligncenter" width="1500"] pistachio flower[/caption] pistachio flower : Male and female trees must be present for fruit to set, or a branch from a male tree may be grafted on a female tree. The small, brownish-green flowers are without petals and are borne on axillary racemes or panicles...