Date Diseases and Pests

Date Diseases and Pests

This post is aiming for a brief information about major diseases and pests of date, which are listed as below:

  1. Fungal Diseases of date palm
    1. Bayoud (Fusariose): Date Palms are susceptible to a disease called Bayoud disease which is caused by the fungus Fusarium oxysporum. This disease, which kills many of the popular older cultivars like ‘Deglet Noor’, has led to a major decline in production where it is present, notably in Morocco and western Algeria. However, new cultivars resistant to the disease are being developed
    2. Black scorch
    3. Brown leaf spot
    4. Diplodia disease
    5. Graphiola leaf spot
    6. Khamedj disease
    7. Omphalia root rot
    8. Belâat disease
    9. Fruit rot
  2. Phytoplasmas diseases of date palm
    1. Lethal yellowing
    2. Al Wijam
    3. Brittle leaves disease
  3. Diseases of unknown cause of date palm
    1. Bending head
    2. Dry bone
    3. Faroun disease
    4. Rhizosis
  4. Physiological disorders of date palm
    1. Blacknose
    2. Crosscuts
    3. White-nose
    4.  Barhee disorder
    5. Black scald
    6. Bastard offshoot
    7. Leaf apical drying
    8. Fertilisation injury
    9. Frost damage
  5. Major pests of date palm
    1. White scale
    2. Red scale
    3. Bou Faroua
    4. Carob moth
    5. Rhinoceros beetle (Oryctes rhinoceros Linné)
    6. Red palm weevil and African palm weevil


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