Pistachios Nutrition


—!Pistachios Nutrition !—


Pistachios Nutrition  : Just 47 pistachios, a one-ounce serving, contain 13 grams of predominantly monounsaturated fat and no cholesterol.

All nuts, including pistachios, contain some saturated fat but are considered low in saturated fat. Fats are a concentrated source of energy and play an important role in assisting the body to absorb fat-soluble vitamins such as vitamins A, E, D, and K.

Pistachios Nutrition
Pistachios Nutrition

Pistachios are the richest source of potassium of all the nut family. The potassium content of one ounce of pistachios is equal to that of one orange, a whopping 310 mg. Two ounces of pistachios contain more potassium than one medium banana. More of the pistachio’s nutritional attributes for one ounce include 2 mg. vitamin C, 66 IU vitamin A, 44.9 mg magnesium, 16.5 mcg folic acid, 1.9 mg. iron, 38.3 mg. calcium, 5.8 g protein, and 3.1 g dietary fiber. 
That single ounce of pistachios carries more than 10% of the Daily Value for dietary fiber, vitamin B6, thiamine, magnesium, phosphorous, and copper. 
In comparing raw pistachios to dry roasted, you will find that some nutrients are diminished when the nuts are dry roasted, such as only 19.8 mg vitamin C, .9 mg iron, 36.9 mg. magnesium, and 275 mg. potassium compared to the higher figures noted above.




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